Home Mind Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body


Healthy mind, healthy body—most of us have heard or read about this and some people also keep saying this to others as friendly advice. It has a simple but deep meaning. For a healthy mind, healthy body, we obviously know we should be both physically and mentally healthy and fit. But most of us seem to be ignoring this simple mantra in today’s times—including me.

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Mental health is imperative for physical health.  If the mind is unsullied and pure, it will greatly help in maintaining physical well-being and health.

In today’s fast life, we are mostly stressed and racing against time to finish our to-do list each day. We are so busy that we do not get time to eat properly, do some physical exercise and even sleep adequately. Most of us remain constantly stressed. We are always under pressure to meet deadlines or complete our targets. We want to achieve and accomplish a lot in no time.

But, we are forgetting that in order to achieve all this, we need to remain healthy, physically and mentally. We are searching for mental peace all the time to counter stress in our daily lives but, we do not realize that if we are neglecting our bodies, how can we nourish our mind.

All of us can follow some simple steps to a healthy mind, healthy body and a healthier lifestyle.

  • Take your meals on time – Have a proper three meals a day, avoid junk and fried food. Eat on regular intervals and do not skip your breakfast.
  • Add fruits and veggies to your diet.
  • Take some time out from your busy schedule to exercise. Walk, jog, skip, do yoga for 30 minutes for at least 5 days a week.
  • Drink plenty of water and liquid to keep yourself hydrated and to remove toxins from of your system.
  • Get yourself a minimum of seven hours sleep every night, so that you feel fresh and energized throughout the day.
  • Take some time out from your busy schedule for yourself. Once in a while take a break from your daily routine. Go for dinner, watch movies, and spend time with family and friends. You will feel physically and mentally relaxed and refreshed.
  • Do not carry emotional baggage from the past. Focus on your present and future. Do not stress yourself for what you cannot change. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • Try to have a balance between your personal and professional life and treat them as two different worlds. If your personal issues affect your professional life or vice-versa, it is bound to increase stress, anger and frustration.
  • Try to take time out for your hobbies like gardening, music, reading, cooking. Our hobbies have the power of therapy and they give us a lot of mental peace and act as a stress-buster.

Conclusion – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Healthy mind, healthy body—we often hear this, but don’t do much to incorporate it in our lifestyle. Our fast lives have not left us with much choice, except to multitask. We all are trying to do so many things in a limited time period and our lives have become hectic which leads to irregularity in following a healthy routine. As a result our physical and mental health suffer and we do not feel fit enough to chase our dreams and complete our to-do lists.

We must not forget that “Health is Wealth.” If we do not take care of our physical health, our mental health will automatically suffer. So, eat on time; sleep on time; do some exercise; take some small breaks; pursue your hobby to balance yourself; and move towards a healthy lifestyle and a healthier “YOU.”

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